This is my journey to MY PIECE OF PEACE…(My new outlook and beginning :)

This is my journey to MY PIECE OF PEACE…

I woke up one day and decided I am going to change the pace and direction my life was going.  I by any means am not living bad.  I was just stuck in the merry-go-round day to day routine of the working world.  Not much changed day to day, and of course we did our family outings and birthdays, holiday celebrations etc.  But I (we) weren’t living, we weren’t taking the time to enjoy TIME.  Every moment that ticked by is obviously gone and the moments we chose to work those extra hours or do something we didn’t so much enjoy was no longer worth it to me or for my family.  SO one day after days of thinking about this I (we) decided, we are going to make it a mission to create a journey, a path, a real life of peace for myself and my family.  As they say “Life is too short” well…it is, and I didn’t want to spend it stuck on that merry-go-round.  I wanted to organize my (our) time wisely and channel it evenly in directions that my family and I would all benefit from and enjoy.

We are still in the beginning works of our journey but the first step is from the starting line and I feel like the whistle blew and it’s READY…SET…GO!  Started by not working around the clock and surprisingly our income didn’t change, one good thing that did was us not being exhausted or drained all the time.  Two, we learned to not dwell on things that were beyond my/our control.  Three, we learned to SAY NO.   No to things that needed to be said to.   Three major changes and this was the start of a new outlook and the beginning of MY JOURNEY TO MY PIECE OF PEACE.  I  have read a couple of quotes that stuck  with me.  “TEACH PEACE, FIRST CREATE YOUR OWN PEACE WITHIN THEN SHARE IT WITH YOUR CHILDREN” and the other is “Peace like charity begins at home”.

I hope to inspire others to one way or another to choose to be at peace.  Whether it be in a moment, a choice, on a decision or a whole life change. It’s well worth it.   The energy and vibes are contagious and I am in the works of creating that nonstop serenity for my husband and I, and have it influence, embrace and affect our children as well.

Home is where my story begins.  Welcome to my journey to MY PIECE OF PEACE…CHAPTER ONE.

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